Day 21 Read Genesis 34-35

May 14, 2024

Shechem, the son of Hamor, defiled Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah. He lay with her and humiliated her. He asked Jacob to give her to him as his wife, then he and his father offered to provide any gift for her hand. Jacob’s sons told Shechem that all the men of the city must be circumcised. Shechem agreed and all the men were circumcised. Two of Jacob’s sons (Simeon and Levi) killed the men on the third day when they were all sore. Jacob’s sons entered the city and took everything, including the women and children. God sent Jacob to Bethel to build an altar. God renewed his covenant with Jacob and called his name Israel. Rachel died while giving birth to Benjamin, Jacob’s twelfth son. Isaac died and was buried by Esau and Jacob.