Day 23 - Read Genesis 38-39

May 16, 2024

Er, the first son of Judah was evil, so the Lord put him to death. Judah told his second son, Onan, to go into Er’s widow, Tamar, and provide offspring. Onan was disobedient and God took his life. Judah promised Tamar his youngest son Shelah if she would wait until he came of age, but Judah did not keep his promise. Judah slept with a woman he believed was a prostitute and she became pregnant. Months later, Judah found that Tamar was pregnant and insisted she be burned for her sin. Then Tamar proved she was the woman Judah slept with. She gave birth to twins. Joseph found favor with Potiphar and became the overseer of his house. Potiphar’s wife lied to her husband and said Joseph slept with her and Joseph was placed in prison.