Day 22 - Read Genesis 36-37

May 15, 2024

Chapter 36 gives an account of Esau’s descendants. Jacob’s favorite son was Joseph. He was Jacob’s son in his old age. Jacob gave Joseph a robe of many colors and Joseph’s brothers were jealous, and they hated Joseph. Joseph dreamed his brothers and even his mother and father would bow to him. His father rebuked him, and his brothers hated him even more. Jacob sent Joseph from Hebron to Shechem to check on his brothers. His brothers planned to kill him when they saw him, but Reuben suggested throwing him into a pit. Judah suggested they sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. His brothers sent his robe back to Jacob with blood on it and Jacob mourned. Joseph was sold to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh.