Day 7 - Read Genesis 13-14

Apr 30, 2024

Abram and Lot journeyed from Egypt to a land between Bethel and Ai. The land was not capable of supplying for their needs. Strife began between their herdsmen. Abram asked Lot to choose a land to settle. God promised Abram a great land and descendants that would be great in number. The kings were at war. Sodom was defeated and Lot was taken. Abram gathered his men (318) and defeated the enemy, freed Lot, and recovered Lot’s possessions. Melchizedek, king of Salem and the priest of God Most High, blessed Abram. The king of Sodom told Abram to give him the people and keep the goods for himself. Abram refused to take the goods so the king could not accuse him of becoming rich off that which should have belonged to the king.